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Draig Beats Festival

Draig Beats Festival in Treborth Botanic Gardens


Draig Beats is a family friendly, fundraising event, that continues to enhance links between the University and local communities.

There will be plenty of live music, talks, workshops, food and drink, showcasing local initiatives and lots of activities to keep the kids busy!

The event is organised to fundraise for and support Dr Sophie Williams, an honorary lecturer at the School of Natural Sciences, who contracted Japanese encephalitis while on fieldwork in China in 2015, as well as the volunteering group Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden.

If you would like to volunteer at the festival click here for roles.

Full details of the event are available on the Draig Beats ticket page and social media.

Gŵyl Draig Beats yng Ngardd Fotaneg Treborth


Bydd digonedd o gerddoriaeth fyw, sgyrsiau, gweithdai, bwyd a diod, gan arddangos mentrau lleol a llawer o weithgareddau i gadw'r plant yn brysur!

Mae'r digwyddiad yn cael ei drefnu i godi arian a chefnogi Dr Sophie Williams, darlithydd er anrhydedd yn yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Naturiol, a gontractiodd lid yr ymennydd Japaneaidd tra oedd hi ar waith maes yn Tsieina yn 2015, a’r grŵp gwirfoddoli, Ffrindiau Gardd Fotaneg Treborth.

Os hoffech wirfoddoli yn yr ŵyl cliciwch yma am rolau.

Cewch fanylion llawn am y digwyddiad ar tudalen tocyn a’u Cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

1 June

Herbarium Flower Pressing Workshop

12 July

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